Thursday, March 1, 2012

Weight a Minute....

So I struggle with my weight....I always have. I hate it but it is what it is so I get over it and try my hardest to do something about it. There was a point in time where I lost 40lbs and I felt so great. 
and then life happened and I let myself get here:

It's embarrassing...but more importantly I just don't feel good anymore. I know that there is a part of everyone that feels this way about something in their life. I know this feeling isn't unique to me but I have to share this if I am ever going to overcome a life long battle of self-consciousness....and low self worth. Some of you may not know that about me...and that's okay...some of you may not even know me...but you have been given a glimpse into a part of me that maybe you can relate to. I do not write this for pity...I simply write this because I need healing and a fresh start to a new life of working on me! Who's with me? 

I started going to the gym in the morning about 4 weeks ago and I feel a lot better than I I just need to get the eating part down! (I have a sweet tooth...and it's the thorn in my flesh.) But that changes today. I am going to start eating for health instead of pleasure/boredom/(insert emotion here)...something that I have done for years. It's going to take time so I will need your prayers and encouragement.  So join me on:

My email address is If you need some support, like I do..this is the best app out there...and if you don't have a smart phone...there's the link above to get started today! It's super simple and it's a great way to give support to each other when you may not feel you get it at home! So ladies...and it!! Start the rest of your life with me! Let's get healthy, get fit, and more importantly, FEEL fit!



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